Sunday, November 7, 2010

On DIME - Nov 5 2010, Les Abattoirs, Bourgoin-Jallieu, France

2010 november 5th, Les Abattoirs, Bourgoin-Jallieu, France


Personnal audience recording master

Minidisk Sharp MT88 mono - Sony ECM-DS70P microphones
> Computer SoundbasterLive > Wav > Flac8


01-Untitled new song
02-Felicite thosz
04-Applause encore


Christian VANDER / drums, vocals
Stella LINON / vocals, percussions
Isabelle FEUILLEBOIS / vocals, percussions
Hervé AKNIN / vocals, percussions
Bruno RUDER / Fender Rhodes
Benoît ALZIARY / vibraphone
James MAC GAW / guitar
Philippe BUSSONNET / bass


  1. Great show except some poor jazz stuff by Vander.Outside the rhythm is not without rhythms.....
    1st track: Släg Tänz

  2. How about providing a url that will get me into DIME so I can figure out what it is and how to use it? Thanks.
